CII (Confederation for Indian Industries) Meet was held in Hotel Ajanta Ambassador, Aurangabad on 19th October. Event was organised by CII, Marathwada, in presence of CII chairman Mr. Harsh Jajoo, MD of CanPack India. The key aspect of this meet was discussion on Next-Gen Leadership with a panel comprising of India's 1st and 2nd generation dynamic entrepreneurs - Gauri Mirashi (Co-founder of Carpe, Center for Applied Research and People's Engagement), Pratap Dhopte ( Director of Excelize Group), Ravindra Waybase (Sr. Director of Digital Solution Management, JLL), Harshal Nahaar (Director , Laxmi Group) and Rohit Dashrathi (Founder and Managing Director, Yantra LLP). Rohit spoke about the various practices and events organised in the company to contribute towards society like No Plastic rule & Blood Donation camps to name a few.