• IoT and The World of Autonomous Material Handling

    In the last blog, we glimpsed into how the Internet of Things revolutionizes businesses and, ultimately, our lives. Connecting every possible physical object on the shop-floor to the internet via sensors leads to the generation of a massive amount of insightful data. Data that can be used to make processes more efficient, reduce costs and, increase output. IoT brings together data-acquiring sensors, internet, cloud computing, and analytics capabilities to deliver real-time information to business leaders to make effective smart decisions. We ask, what if the power of IoT can be used to improve the design and usage of autonomous material handling equipment like AGVs and AMRs? Read on to see…

  • Manufacturing Sector Sailing through COVID-19

    We know that due to the ongoing lockdowns because of COVID-19, our Industries have suffered in various ways, especially the manufacturing industry which contributes to around 20% of our GDP. In our previous article we also discussed about the chief factors causing disruptions in the operations of these industries. But as the situation improves, many leading businesses have started taking steps forward to ensure smooth operation and survive this crisis situation. Today let us see what are the major changes that these companies are bringing around and how these are helping them out. Automation: Labor issue is an ongoing problem which our manufacturing industries have been facing since many years. Now…

  • RAGHAV – The Corona Warrior

    The Coronavirus pandemic is affecting every industry in some way or the other. But the most affected of them all is the Healthcare Industry. Doctors, nurses, helpers are constantly exposed to infected patients and face high risk during the treatments. As of April 2020, around 45+ hospitals were sealed and 2000+ healthcare workers were quarantined. This number is on the rise and with every passing day more and more healthcare workers are getting infected with COVID-19. This made us think, we had always said that our mobile robots can help in medical sector and what better time than this? At Rucha Yantra, we focus on designing user-friendly minimalistic robots which…

  • Automated Disinfecting of Premises

    Our previous article “Maximum ROI in Corona Times” dealt with the small but significant measures that you can adopt for your company, which can guarantee an increase in ROI even in these tough times. This pandemic has adversely affected the business continuity for each of us. Now, when we slowly try to resume our businesses, it is important for us to act responsibly for the health and well-being of our employees. By now all of us are aware that the only 2 things that work against COVID-19 are social distancing and sanitation. We should lay certain guidelines and train our staff to maintain the minimum specified distance while working. We…

  • Maximum ROI in Corona Times

    Everything you read or hear these days is about coronavirus, be it an article in newspaper, a blog on your favorite website, discussions on TV or every other post on social media. Then why the need of one more article, you’d ask. Well, amid these never-ending lockdowns and social distancing which have now become a norm, we thought of bringing some positivity to all you industries out there! This global pandemic is affecting every industry in one way or the other. So, how do we function to achieve what we had planned? In today’s article “Maximum ROI in Corona Times” we are going to see exactly the same – how…

  • AGVs in Textile

    Material Handling in manufacturing sector refers to the movement of any kind of material/load within the limits of shop floor or at the most to the transportation vehicles or warehouses. Auto Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are the newest trend in material handling. AGVs are portable robots, which follow a prefixed path for navigation. They can tow the material stored on trailers and trolleys attached behind them or can store the material on the overhead beds for conveyance. They are used to transport loads in a manufacturing facility or a warehouse, where repetitive movement of material is required with little or no human interaction. Now a days, they are deployed in nearly every…

  • SAEVK: Human Guided Vehicle

    We know that Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are portable robots which follow a prefixed path for navigation. They can tow the material stored on trailers and trolleys attached behind them or can store the material on the overhead beds for conveyance. They are used to transport loads in a manufacturing facility or a warehouse, where repetitive movement of material is required with little or no human interaction. Now a days, they are deployed in nearly every industry including automobile, food, pharmaceuticals, textiles and much more, their scope ranging from handling raw materials to finished products. We have plenty of articles about AGVs and their applications in our Knowledge Corner series…

  • AGVs in Healthcare Industry

    Yesterday, one of our engineers came across a short video clip while scrolling through the news. It was that of a robot serving food to the corona virus affected patients in China. He immediately showed this to a few of us colleagues. Such a great concept, such a noble cause! Who would have thought that in this dreadful spell of corona virus scare, robots can come handy this way? The wheels in our heads started spinning. We had always said that AGVs can help in medical sector. In fact, they are being used in hospitals across various countries since as early as 1980s. In today’s topic AGVs in Healthcare, let…

  • RAGHAV in Small Industries

    If you have read our previous articles in the tech blog series, you must know RAGHAV very well by now. For those who haven’t, RAGHAV is our first ever adaptable AGV for material movement. Till now we have seen how various manufacturing industries like Automobile, Pharmaceuticals and Food processing can benefit with RAGHAV. We agree that these are comparatively bigger industries, meaning that the production volumes and capital they can invest, both are higher and hence they prefer to use modern machinery and equipment like AGVs to transport load. What about the small-scale industries? We all know that India being a developing country, majority of our industries are smaller in…

  • RAGHAV in Food Industry

    Hygiene is a very important factor to be considered when it comes to food. None of us prefer to eat at a place where food is not being prepared or served hygienically. It is not just unappetizing; it is also very unhealthy. Same is applied to a food processing industry. Although we cannot see how the food is processed, packaged or stored, we try to go for bigger brands like Chitale Bandhu when it comes to sweets or Amul when it comes to dairy products. This is because we trust that their products will be 100% safe to consume and believe us a lot of effort goes into building this…