• Top applications of 3D Printing

    Welcome back! From the last blog to this, we are sure millions of new items must have been produced using 3D Printing, and scores of new ways must have been discovered for utilizing additive manufacturing. Such is the pace of adoption of 3D Printing. Among the hundreds of possible applications, today, we shall look at the most impactful and interesting ones. Here we go! Prototyping Faster. Easier. Inexpensive. When designing new products, don’t you wish the process of making prototypes was fast, easy, and inexpensive. That’s precisely how 3D Printing allows it to be. Unlike traditional manufacturing, which is expensive and takes up a lot of time and effort to…

  • 3D Printing: An Overview

    Some of the technologies that have had an astronomical impact on society are the light bulb, steam engine, cars, mobile phones, the internet, etc. But, some say that 3D Printing has a more significant potential than even the internet!! Is that possible? Through the following series of blogs, we will look deeply at 3D Printing. We shall understand what it entails, its effect on our lifestyle and business, and its impact on manufacturing. We wish to explore why there is so much talk around this new-age technology. So let’s dive right in! What is 3D Printing? In very casual language, it’s like building something with Lego blocks automatically. On a…

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of 5G

    “Nothing is perfect in this world. Everything has its pros and cons.” Once we overcome the challenges spelled out in the last blog, we would expect to live in a wholly transformed 5G-e nabled world. But would it be perfect? What will be the advantages? Or would it bring a new set of challenges? Just as every coin has two sides, 5G brings advantages and disadvantages. We shall look at the top ones from both categories in this blog. Advantages Higher Download Speeds Speed is the need of the hour. 5G promises the capacity to increase download speeds by up to 20 times from 200 Mbps in 4G to 10 Gbps…

  • Top 5 challenges faced during 5G deployment

    We saw how 5G is all set to be the game-changer in the coming years in the previous blog. It is not just a simple upgrade; it promises to transform our personal and professional lives completely. But like every technology, it comes with its challenges. Many of you would find yourselves questioning how far 5G will be viable? Will the developed and developing countries adopt the model at the same time? Do we have the required infrastructure for this new technology? This piece will look at the top challenges expected during 5G network deployment. So, let’s dive in: Scarcity in 5G devices: If we are to take complete advantage of…

  • Top 5 applications of 5G

    At the end of the last blog, we concluded that 5G is proving to be one of the most exciting new tech developments of the age. It shall impact our daily lives immensely and also open up new avenues of business. Continuing with the topic, we shall now look at the top 5 applications of 5G. When it comes to 5G, there is more than what meets the eye. It has the potential of revolutionizing change beyond our smartphones and the internet. Let us see how! Industrial Automation Currently, many industrial applications require cables for connectivity due to the low range of Wi-Fi solutions. It limits the mobility and quality…

  • Entering the World of 5G

    Welcome to yet another series on an exciting topic in the scope of next-gen tech. Welcome to the world of 5G. Our world is more connected today than ever before. Our lives are more intertwined today with others than ever before. What makes such interconnectivity possible are the underlying network technologies. In this series of blogs, we shall look at the latest development in such technologies – the 5th Generation network (5G). Hope you enjoy it! Today, everybody wants speed. Speed in consuming videos, speed in shopping online, speed in communicating with each other, speed in conducting virtual meetings, etc. At the core, what we want is fast mobile data…

  • Swarm Robotics and the Role of Blockchain

    Blockchain is a decentralized method of recording transactions and allowing communication between different entities on a network. Everyone on the network has access to the entire network and its history. The transactions or actions performed are impossible to tamper, alter or falsify for anyone. Thus, the major advantages of a blockchain are transparency and security. We have taken a bird’s eye view of blockchain in previous blogs; now, we shall look at a very specific field of application – Swarm Robotics. We shall try to understand what Swarm Robotics entails, its applications, and how Blockchain is aiding its development. What is Swarm Robotics? The dictionary definition of swarm states that…

  • Reasons why manufacturing industries should choose blockchain

    In the last blog, we understood what blockchain is at a broad level. Now, let’s see what it brings to the table for manufacturing companies. We shall look at 8 major reasons why manufacturers should adopt blockchain. If you are a manufacturer, read carefully! Hope you like it. Transparency With evolving technologies, an increasing number of processes in manufacturing are going digital and becoming a huge source of data. And resultantly, transparency in sharing of data is becoming an important issue. All the stakeholders must have equal access to data. In a blockchain, all the network participants share the same data and it can be updated only through the consensus…

  • Things to know about Blockchain

    Are you afraid that your data might leak to the government or service providers? Do you wish that you and your employees could access confidential data from anywhere safely? If yes, blockchain is here to solve your needs. Sectors such as cyber security, healthcare, manufacturing and industries, financial services, government, retail, real estate, media, and tourism, etc., are already using blockchain today. Want to know how? Want to get into the depth of it? Read on! Bird’s Eye View: Blockchain is a database that can be described as a decentralized way to document transactions in a particular sequence. Everyone in the network has access to the entire blockchain and its…

  • Cyber Security High-Risk Industries

    Welcome to the final blog in the series on Cyber Security. In this piece, we shall look at the industries at the highest risk of cyber-attacks. Let’s get right into it! Time changes fast, technology faster, and we are forced to adapt at the quickest speed. The more we start to rely on technology, the newer challenges and risks emerge. Cybercrimes are one such challenge. Every individual and organization that is connected to digital is always at the risk of a cyber-attack. Experts estimate that cybercrimes could potentially cost the world over US$10.5 trillion annually by 2025. However, specific sectors are more prone to cyber-attack than others. Let’s have a look…