• IoT and The World of Autonomous Material Handling

    In the last blog, we glimpsed into how the Internet of Things revolutionizes businesses and, ultimately, our lives. Connecting every possible physical object on the shop-floor to the internet via sensors leads to the generation of a massive amount of insightful data. Data that can be used to make processes more efficient, reduce costs and, increase output. IoT brings together data-acquiring sensors, internet, cloud computing, and analytics capabilities to deliver real-time information to business leaders to make effective smart decisions. We ask, what if the power of IoT can be used to improve the design and usage of autonomous material handling equipment like AGVs and AMRs? Read on to see…

  • Internet of Things: An Overview

    Today, we hear about several new technologies and their impact on our personal lives and businesses. Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc. have become ‘talk-of-the-town’ and are spoken of by laymen, business leaders, and governments equally highly. We, Yantra, are a tech-driven company and, thus, plan to throw some light on some of the next-gen technologies in the form of a series of focused blogs. We hope you all find it valuable. The following piece aims to introduce the Internet of Things and get a glimpse into how it may affect people and businesses. Read on! IoT: Connecting Anything and Everything Quite simply, IoT is about connecting anything…