• Top applications of 3D Printing

    Welcome back! From the last blog to this, we are sure millions of new items must have been produced using 3D Printing, and scores of new ways must have been discovered for utilizing additive manufacturing. Such is the pace of adoption of 3D Printing. Among the hundreds of possible applications, today, we shall look at the most impactful and interesting ones. Here we go! Prototyping Faster. Easier. Inexpensive. When designing new products, don’t you wish the process of making prototypes was fast, easy, and inexpensive. That’s precisely how 3D Printing allows it to be. Unlike traditional manufacturing, which is expensive and takes up a lot of time and effort to…

  • 3D Printing: An Overview

    Some of the technologies that have had an astronomical impact on society are the light bulb, steam engine, cars, mobile phones, the internet, etc. But, some say that 3D Printing has a more significant potential than even the internet!! Is that possible? Through the following series of blogs, we will look deeply at 3D Printing. We shall understand what it entails, its effect on our lifestyle and business, and its impact on manufacturing. We wish to explore why there is so much talk around this new-age technology. So let’s dive right in! What is 3D Printing? In very casual language, it’s like building something with Lego blocks automatically. On a…